Kevin Lee

Kevin is the President of Truth Nutrition, a brand that he uses to test new marketing ideas, strategies, and tech, it's also a brand where he releases fitness supplements that he believes can make a positive difference for fitness enthusiasts and those on their journey towards enthusiasm. Kevin Lee is a marketing mad scientist, parallel entrepreneur, marketing expert, investor and cause marketing philanthropist. He is the co-founder of Didit, a leading digital-first marketing firm that has helped hundreds of brands grow their businesses with SEM, SEO, Social, Advertising, PR, and even direct mail. He is also the founder of, a cause marketing nonprofit that along with its predecessor We-Care has generated millions of dollars for nonprofits. In addition to his work in helping clients with marketing and philanthropy through cause marketing, Kevin is also the CEO of the eMarketing Association. He is also the founder of Various Ventures, an incubator for new marketing tech. Kevin has written four books, spoken at more than 500 events, and published over 700 articles on marketing. He has a Yale MBA and lives in Scarsdale, New York.
3 Posts

Peter Attia’s Drug & Supplement Regimen – Don’t Just Copy It.

In a recent podcast, a Q&A format interview Peter Attia grudgingly shares his supplements and the why as to each. It's key for you...

Peter Attia Pro-Profile

Peter Attia (image by Midjourney), a renowned health and fitness influencer, is known for his comprehensive and science-backed approach to longevity and wellness. His...

Jeff Cavaliere Pro-Profile

Jeff Cavaliere (photo is MidJourney AI, not him), the fitness expert behind Athlean-X, is renowned for his comprehensive approach to fitness, which integrates strength...

Success stories:

"The Personal Trainer program made getting in the best shape of my life really fun. The recipes are tasty and easy to cook!"

Mariana Lima


"Thomas has completely outdone himself with this course. Efficient workouts, delicious recipes and support!"

Jon Pata
